Thursday, December 4, 2008

Ole and The Beacon

The Beacon is now tried and tested by our Irish Red Setter, Ole!

Ole has a habit of trying to escape into a few acres field next door owned by my husbands uncle.

Last night was pretty wet and pitch dark as living in the country we have no close neighbours of street lights.

For some reason I felt I had to attach the Ruff Wear Beacon and turned it on. It was set at the flashing setting. We let Ole outside and within minutes he was gone. I ran upstairs and looked out the bedroom window. House been on a hill the fields all slope downwards as far as the eye can see.

All of a sudden we could see this red flashing light in the distance in the pitch dark. I knew where our dog was! We watch this red light going through all the bushes, jumping over small fences and through the heather. Our dog can fairly run and we were amazed on the amount of ground he could cover. He finally came home after 2 hours soaking wet and safe. We have now got fencing 6 feet high to stop the escape artist. Setters love to run and it is a strong trait in the breed. Once they get their exercise like any other working dog they are content and happy.

Here is a photograph of the wet dog wearing his beacon still attached to his Ruff Wear Collar.
I can highly recommened it for anyone who lets their dog out at night and worries.
It can also be worn by humans and has a clip to strap around a belt, pocket or jacket.

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